Living your TRUTH
When was the last time you reconnected with yourself? Are you currently living life as your true self? Or are you living life how the people around you want you to live it? I get it; hiding behind the artificial shadow of yourself is an easy task. We get up, put on our face and get through the day best as we know how. But have you ever realized that faking the funk requires more energy than just being yourself? Being an unauthentic version of our self leaves us exhausted and disconnected. It really takes courage to live life as the person you truly are. Are you struggling to identify whether or not you are living your TRUTH? Below are 5 signs that may not be:
You Have Not Sat In Your Truth
If you are facing a problem in your life and you have not dealt with it, you have not sat in your truth. Facing your trails and experiences head on will free your mind and your spirit. Not facing the hardships in your life gives power to the situation / person. We must retain our power and peace. Face it! Whatever that IT is, don’t let it hold your mind hostage. SET YOURSELF FREE.
You Need Validation
When you are being your true self, the only validators in your life are you and God. Sometimes we want the validation of close friends and family and that’s ok. However, no ones opinion or view of YOU should be the determining factor for the decisions in your life. Begin to learn the difference between doing what YOU want to do and doing what others choose for YOU to do. Identifying this difference will allow you to see what aspects of your life you may need a self acceptance check on. When you are your true self, you have a high level of self acceptance. Those that possess a low level of self acceptance require validity in what they do and the decisions they make.
You Change Who You Are When Things Happen
Do you switch up yourself when you encounter a new / rough season in your life? How fair is that to your spirit? Running from who you are to alter a situation in your life does nothing but set you back in the long run. News flash, you don’t have to change who you are for people to accept you! If this is the case, why do we give up on ourselves to receive the acceptance of others? It’s because we are afraid that by being ourselves people will outcast us. They will be unwilling to deal with our baggage. I say NO MORE! Let’s begin to embrace the experiences we face and work to overcome them. By doing so, we can start to build a solid foundation that will hold up against the storms we will face.
You Fear Judgement
Why do we let the opinion of others dictate what we do, say and how we feel? No one is perfect! We all have a past; that’s the beauty of being human. Our experiences shape who we are. This is not something to be ashamed of rather to embrace. If you are worried about someone judging you, remember that their judgment does nothing for your life. You can’t buy anything with it, it doesn’t make you a better person and it truly does not define who you are! The only judgment that matters is that of God. His judgment determines your fate not the judgment of people. So let what people say about you be the motivation you need to keep doing you!
Your Journey Is Unauthentic
If you are not being who God intended you to be you are not living your truth. We must stop allowing society to tell us who we should be. Living in a social media era, we are easily convinced that we are not living our best life. The truth is, we have the opportunity to live OUR best life not the WORLDS best life. Being happy comes from within. You cannot be happy living a lie. Whatever experiences you’ve overcome are apart of your truth. Don’t hide them from people, you never know how your story could impact someone else.
In summary, we must get to a point to where we feel empowered to live TRUTHFULLY. It is not an easy task, but the process is so worth it! You’ll feel so free and be able to experience the feeling of accepting yourself despite the world view of you.
Share your truths with me!