I will Not Let You Suffer
Do you compare yourself to others? Maybe those old friends from high school or college? Have ever thought to yourself that you should be living the same best life as the successful people you come in contact with? If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading! I got some gems to drop for ya!
You Are Enough
Think about it, each one of us are made up of various experiences. Have you ever thought that maybe someone is envious of you? What about that great relationship you have with your family and friends? Or even that beautiful child you get to watch grow up? Never think because someone is in a different season of their life that they are better than you. Your season is coming so get prepared to SHINE BRIGHT.
Shine Bright Like A Diamond
You too were put on this earth to be GREAT! As best friend KendallKyndall would say, “Bit*h YO LIFE LIT”! Set goals for yourself and accomplish them. You want to go to college, enroll! You want to be a photographer, start taking pictures! You want to be a motivational speaker, share your story! It’s that simple! No one can stop you from being the best version of you, EXCEPT you!
Stop Being A Scary Cat
Are you letting people project their fears onto you? STOP, right now! God didn’t give everyone your vision; HE GAVE IT TO YOU. Therefore, other people will not understand why you want to live out your dreams. Whatever your dreams may be, DO THAT ISH! Too often do I see very passionate people deeming their light because someone told them “not right now” or “you don’t have enough money / connections”. Contrary to what others believe, if God gives you a purpose to fulfill, HE WILL MAKE A WAY!
Your TRUTH can inspire someone
We MUST get over the fear of sharing our experiences. Life is hard, we all know this! So if you have fought to get through a situation, why not help someone else do the same? Too many people are depressed because they feel “no one can relate”. That’s a lie! We all have someone we can relate too. I know for me, sharing my TRUTH can help other dependents with parents that suffer from PTSD. Even my parents sharing their TRUTH can help veterans cope with civilian life. What TRUTH can you share today that can impact someone else? Let’s build a community of people that can leverage one another’s life experiences! Share your TRUTHS with me!