The Incredible Value of Self-Reflection
Unpopular Opinion:
The reason you are continuing to struggle and put yourself in the same situation over and over and over again………… is due to the lack of self-reflection. Those who struggle to obtain different outcomes when faced with the same or a similar situation, in my opinion, has not taken the time to learn from their past experiences. My hope is for you to realize that in order to make the necessary adjustments to improve on your journey; you will need to leverage one or more self-development tools.
Self-reflection provides us with the opportunity to consciously create the life we want on purpose. It is a tool that allows us to think back on what has been in order to learn tactics that can help us improve our efforts in the future. Self-reflection should transform your past experience into learning opportunities. In order to develop yourself, you must take the time to learn from your past. In doing so, you will no longer respond chaotically to situations, people, or circumstances. You will be in control of your response to such life events and can decide the best course of action.
My first preferred method for self-reflection is journaling. Journaling helps me put things into perspective by forcing me to reflect on how I handled myself in certain situations. It is my way to unload my mind with the days ‘outcome. When I journal, I can visualize how I showed up in a particular experience. In turn, I can assess whether or not I could have acted or reacted differently.
My second preferred method for self-reflection is feedback. I regularly ask others for their feedback and opinions about their experiences with me. I do this because I want to improve my behaviors / results. I believe for feedback to be effective, it should be specific and constructive (helpful). Asking someone for feedback who will agree with your review of an outcomes (every time) will not aid in new learning opportunities.
Are you currently utilizing any self-reflection tools? If not, my challenge for you this week is for you to explore the value of self-reflection.