Give Yourself Grace
How many of you feel like you are a blessed mess right now? I’m blessed to be alive, have my family with me during quarantine and the opportunity work from home during this pandemic. However, it’s like no matter how happy I am the enemy attempts to make it a point to remind me that I’ve failed in an effort to take my joy, creativity, peace etc. We as humans are far too critical of ourselves. It’s like we have a recording in our mind that replays everything we did wrong. We also have insecurities that makes us feel inadequate. These feelings are common however, today I want you to make it a point to give yourself grace. We are not perfect, and when we attempt to be it’s our faults that remind us of our strength and courage.
Below are 3 tips to give yourself grace!
Accept Your Shortcomings
How often do you judge yourself? After you judge yourself, do you begin to feel frustrated, guilty, insecure etc.? Do you belittle yourself or change your positive outlook to a negative one? If you answered yes to the questions above, what value do you find in it? Honestly, getting lost in old shame and regret is a waste of the new time God has given you. What you must understand is that every time you track your shortcomings you are adding a rock to the baggage you are already carrying. One day, if that day hasn’t come yet, that baggage is going to be too heavy to carry. Many of us are carrying baggage full of failures because we refuse to give ourselves grace. I am here to tell you to drop it, now!
Find Peace in the mess
Life can and will be a mess at times; emotionally, financially spiritually etc. It will feel like going through one rough season after another. During these seasons, it is easy for us to criticize ourselves because we are not living up to our fullest potential. We want to be the one person that can do it all. Reach the standards of other people especially in the workplace and our social communities. We spend time hiding our struggles in fear of being judged or alienated. I’m sorry to break it to you, but you are not always going to measure up to societies expectations. Your mistakes may not resonate well with some, but others will find light in your truth. Find peace in knowing that your truth may help someone else. The mess you are in now may be the guidebook for someone else to utilize.
Don’t be too hard on yourself
Just because you do something that you are not proud of does not mean you have to suffer there. Stop suffering in places that no longer serve you. You have weaknesses because you are not a finished product! The world will attempt to tear you down day by day so don’t do it to yourself!
You have to accept yourself where you are today and keep your flaws in perspective. Say to yourself, I am not going to let my faults weigh me down or make me feel less than I am.
This week focus on your positive attributes and how you can enhance yourself. Do the work to be present and focus on what is in front of you! Healthy habits create happy humans; remember you will live a happy and successful life when you have peace within yourself.