Mom Life
Being a mom is HARD work. Being a working mom is even HARDER! I couldn’t begin to describe the level of patience this journey takes. The best way I can explain motherhood is to imagine working 24 hours a day for the rest of your life; without compensation but with reward. Yes, being a parent is a reward. We get to witness someone we created grow up! That’s something money can’t buy. My son is almost a one year old. I returned to work when he was two months old; I STRUGGLED. Not because I was sleep deprived (my son has slept through the night since he was a month old) but for one other reason.
I did not want to miss out on raising him. Think about it, we are at work for 8-10 hours a day; if you sleep for at least 7 hours, you will be left with about 7 – 9 hours a day to spend with your child. Is that enough? Regardless if we think it is or not, unless you are a stay at home mom this is your reality. Maybe I’m thinking about this from a different perspective. Are you thinking the same thing? Or is the 8-10 hours away from your child a stress reliever? It’s okay, I won’t judge you! We all need a break from parenthood.
How exactly do you balance working and being a mom? For me, it’s all about communication with key stakeholders; my leader at work, husband, mom / mom – in – law and aunt. Having a support system is so important for moms in general, BUT especially working moms. Who helps you with pickups? After school activities? Weekend getaways? Exactly! If I didn’t have my support system, I’d be lost in the sauce by now. I’m sure that’s the TRUTH for a lot of us. What are your thoughts? Have you or are you experiencing this right now? Share your TRUTHS with me!