Find Your Way Back
Has your life ever given you the feeling of being off-tract? What about being mentally, emotionally, spiritually lost? I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve gotten lost in the sauce once or twice. My belief is when we experience and or witness life changing events, rather directly or indirectly, they can leave us in a state of confusion. Being confused makes us feel powerless because we feel stuck; in a routine, everyday commitments, friendships, busy-ness of life etc.
I often times find myself engulfed in the daily routine of being a wife, mother and corporate America professional. So much so that I normalized the thought of putting my needs and desires last to the people depending on me. This is a dangerous mindset to be in. When you constantly believe you have to put yourself last to your family, friends, career etc., you lose the power to create a life you love. Instead you tolerate a life where everyone can depend on you except for yourself.
Below are 4 items to consider when finding your way back to a secure state in life:
Accept Where You Are
Feeling off-track is not a bad thing. In my opinion, it’s the perfect opportunity to go through a self-refection / self-awareness journey. You can take this time to learn, understand and process your thoughts and feeling of your current state. Think about what makes you happy / unhappy, what works / does not work, what you need / do not need. Thinking about these things will allow your mind and heart to make room for what does not currently exist in your life.
Reconnect With What You Love To Do
Do you remember the last time you had authentic fun? It’s probably been a while, right? Do you ever wonder why? For me it was because I lost sight of what it felt like to be worry free. When I was in college, I didn’t think about what I had to do the next day when I went out with friends. Now, I get overwhelmed thinking about hanging out past 10:00pm. (This is very sad I know lol). What I had to realize is that I needed time to reconnect with the things I loved to do before I developed all these adult responsibilities. Ask yourself “to reconnect with myself I need to….” Once you answer this question, the answer will bring awareness to what you need.
Know What You Want
Knowing what we want is fundamental in finding our way back to our secure state. Often times, our mind focuses on the things we don’t want versus concentrating on the things we do want. Understanding our needs and wants aids in the realization of what is important to us. When we know what we want, we are no longer confused, thus we regain power over our lives. You must know what you want in order to create your life on purpose!
Ask For Support
If you are like me, you struggle with asking for help. However, it is important to understand that surrounding yourself with people that know the happy you, is the best support you can find. They are the people that can remind you of things you enjoy doing. Having a support system is critical because these are the friends / family members that can inspire us to feel passionate about our goals and dreams; We all need this!
I am curious to know what has helped you find yourself when you were feeling lost? Leave a comment below, let hold each other accountable on this journey.