Are You Happy – Marriage Edition
Do you ever feel that getting married in today’s era is a fad? It has become the goal of everyone in this generation. I am not saying that it is anything is wrong this, but I am saying that the thrill of being “relationship goals” has saturated today’s society.
Are you sincerely happy? Like deep down in your soul happy? Or are you pretending to be so that your following on social media double taps your post? If you are sincerely happy, what are some things that make your relationship work? For me, I have been married for two years. My husband and I are truly best friends. We know each other so well that it’s kind of creepy. All I have to do is look at him and he knows exactly what I’m thinking. Our relationship is not perfect, it is real. We have disagreements and there are times when we want to strangle one another. But despite any difficultly we’ve encountered together, our friendship thrives.
What qualities did / do you expect your significant other to have? Six feet tall, college educated, no kids, entrepreneur, in shape, facial hair, nice car, six figure salary, own home and a million other qualities we ASSUME we need in a mate? What if I told you that who God has for you may not be the person you created in your mind? Don’t get me wrong, they will be similar, but God pairs us with our missing rib.
My TRUTH is that I too wanted a significant other that had some of the qualities mentioned above. My number one rule was NO KIDS. I swore to myself that I would not marry someone with a child. Yet, look at me today; married to a man that has an outside child. I know what you’re thinking……”Maybe she settled”. Nope! That is nowhere near the case. My husband possessed characteristics that I never thought to pray for. He is patient, easy to talk to, supportive of all my dreams and the best cereal maker in the world!
God quickly showed me that I could have missed my biggest blessing by putting boundaries on him. Are you doing the same thing? Narrowing your prospects down to the man or woman that have personal issues but meet your exterior qualifications. I challenge you to STOP and ask God to bless you with who he sees fit for you! You’d be surprised; the person of your dreams may not fit into your picture frame. Have you or are you experiencing this right now? Share your TRUTHS with me!