Are You Held Accountable In Your Walk With Christ?
When was the last time you intentionally set aside time to connect with God? I get it; our lives get super busy at times! This is very true for me; especially since my workload has increased with new responsibilities. In such times, I found that my alone time with God has decreased. In spending time with God today, I realized that I had fallen short of my commitment to him. Thus, I told myself it was time to get an accountability partner!
The reason I decided to pursue an accountability partner in Christ is for two reasons: Encouragement and Commitment.
Encouragement: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
Has your faith flame ever dwindled out? Mine sure has; and during that time, all I really needed was words of encouragement from another believer. We all need encouragement from time to time. Encouragement enables hope and perspective through support. When we are encouraged in Christ, we have the strength to put on our spiritual armor and remain steadfast.
Commitment: 1 Kings 8:61 “And may you be completely faithful to the Lord God. May you always obey his decrees and commands, just as you are doing today.”
I will be the first to admit that staying committed is a challenging behavior to master. Reflect on the last time you committed to something; are you still doing it? If not, would you still be doing it if you had an accountability partner? We often times fall short with personal commitments, our commitment to Christ is no different. If we do not depend on God, it is easy to put Him as a second priority. Let’s get that in check! I committed to a new behavior, my accountability partner will ensure that I am staying on track with my commitments.
Who holds you accountable in your walk with Christ? Do you have a friend to whom you can go? Are you the type of person that people can come to when they need accountability? If you answered NO to these questions, I would encourage you to explore the opportunity. My advice would be to take it slow and easy! You can begin (like me) by having your close friends hold you accountable for things like praying regularly and reading a verse a day.