Change your Focus
In previous readings I’ve shared that I put all into my friendships / relationships. However, what I’ve come to realize is that I neglect my own responsibilities when I am focused on what someone else is doing. I guess I never realized how hard minding my own business could be. I am naturally inquisitive thus; I ask a lot of questions to those in my live. I am also very open in the relationships I share. However, I have come to understand that my openness is not a direct invite for others to do the same. It is often tempting to get involved in other peoples lives and focus in on what they have going on. However, I am here to tell you that entangling yourself in things that don’t directly affect you can be damaging to your own mental health. Today, I found myself focusing on something that had nothing to do with me. Once I noticed I exerted unwarranted energy into this, I realized the lesson I needed to learn was to mind my own business! From today forward, I am ignoring what everyone else is doing. I am going to break my own limits and outgrow myself. My plan is to outdo my past not other people.
Here are 4 ways to focus on yourself:
- Figure out what you want out of life
Ask yourself, what makes you feel the most empowered. When we figure out what we want and like in life, we become authentic to ourselves. What feels right to you? Not in a safe space kind of way but in a fire burning, I have to do this, or I will not feel whole kind of way. We all have something we want to accomplish. Write all those things down and be super specific about it. Visualize it, manifest it and go get it!! Every day you take the time to figure out what you want results in less time you will have to worry about other people.
- Take time by yourself
The best way to way find out who you are is to spend time by yourself. If you are always surrounded by people, it is easy to misalign their passions for your own. It is important to stay in touch with yourself in order to stay accountable for your goals. My absolute favorite thing to do alone is to travel; that time is so secret to me! I read a book in peace and quiet, decompress in my hotel room or write down my thoughts and really spend time working through them. It is very important to enjoy time on your own and get to know yourself.
- Start a new habit
It is often said that you are the sum of what you do every day. This month try doing something new! How many times have you said you wanted to try a new fitness routine? Or maybe you said that you want to read a new book. Beginning a new habit does not have to be over the top; it should actually be the opposite. You can start small and work gradually improve. You’ll notice that your commitment and motivation will also increase, which will make it easier for you to stay at it! Make it so easy that you can’t make an excuse not to work towards it every day.
- Celebrate Yourself
Comparison is the thief of not only joy but life. Sometimes, your friends and family are not going to be your biggest supporter. You must learn how to be that for yourself! Take the time to be genuinely grateful for your life. Make a concerted effort to be as attentive and happy for yourself as you would be to your friends or family. Nothing is too big or small to celebrate!